Hi my name is Laurie and I own a ukulele. Or am owned by one as of this week.
I have had some depression issues and really need to get out of the midwinter slumpy low down rut. I was reading the Knitty blog ( I also spin, knit, crochet, process fleece, dye and design patterns blah blah blah), and Amy has a page 'you want a uke?' there.Excellent article on how to choose one and right away I was like 'thats what I need! something cheerful and fun!". Pro tip: There is a knitting pattern for a felted Uke case on Knitty.
So I asked Kent if he'd take the money set aside for my new glasses and get a ukulele instead. I did some research on the net and noticed that Larsens Music seemed to have a good selection. I called and asked about the Cordoba concert . The man who answered was informative and helpful and said they did have them in stock. So off Kent went. I'm so happy he did - I really needed to just do something different and fun.
I had no idea but Victoria is a huge hotbed of Ukulele-ness :). Apparently Larsen's has the best selection and is the centre of a lot of Uke activity too.
At first it was difficult to make my fingers use the ukulele chord patterns: they wanted to default to guitar chord shapings. But right away I could sort of play, and practised probably 2 hours that night. Yesterday I think I played 4 hours . And today 2 hours already too. Kent says he now has a soundtrack to his day. He's pretty happy for a metal lovin' guy !
I spoke to Jamsang Lodto about his new classes that start at Esquimalt Rec today. He was really interesting to talk to ( and listen to! ). I don't know much about the local scene but it's obvious he's very well known by what I've seen on the web. I did a lot of research while looking for songs to play. As usual, I can't do anything at a 'normal' pace but must immerse myself. I've long ago stopped trying to change myself from that way. It's just natural for me.
Back to Jamsang and classes - the evening class was what I thought I could get to plus my lovely daughter Cori had agreed to go with me. But sadly it was full and there is a waiting list even. So I'm thinking I will attend the every other Wednesday night ukulele circle instead. I'm not sure I would be classified as a complete beginner anyhow since I can tune the instrument, play songs and know about 10 chords now. Hard to know.
I'm excited !
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